Need help!


Need some serious input

Hey there guys. I'm having a tiny dilemma, and needed some advice. I bought a car for 500 cash. We wrote the bill of sale and bam I took the car home. He lost the title so we need to go to the dmv to get it tranferred to my name. Guy has taken about a month now to finally meet up with me and do this. Always comes up with the oh my job won't let me go bs. I need to insure this shit and get to work on time. Now the guy won't answer or return my calls. What could I do to tresolve this? Call the cops? BTW don't ask me who it is I'm not ready to let his name out for now...
What would you guys do?:ugh:
id go to his house with a tire iron no bullshit cause thats not cool. If you bought a car from him its his responsiblity to give you the title. If that dosnt work beat his ass or call the cops
If that dosnt work beat his ass or call the cops
Laughing my ass off...good shit. I'm not a great fighter so I should just call the cops. I left a voicemail on his phone letting him know he has till thursday to get me my shit, if not he's going to have the cops knocking on his door.
Laughing my ass off...good shit. I'm not a great fighter so I should just call the cops. I left a voicemail on his phone letting him know he has till thursday to get me my shit, if not he's going to have the cops knocking on his door.

By law, you have the bill of sale so the car is technically already yours, but it is his responsibility as the seller to provide you with the title. If not, you can either call the cops and go through the hassle or go to a Auto-tag agency and request it. It'll cost a little though.
im in the same fucking boat only i been waiting for mias13 to get me a new title for 2 years. unfortunately im in the process of taking it to the cops because its rediculous at this point.
I just need to get to work on time already before I get fired. Then I'll just sue his ass.:bigthumbu

Ok. Now I'm pissed the guy that sold me the car goes by ka-tony on here. Does anyone know where the dude lives cause I lost the paper with his address. I only have his phone number, and he avoids my calls. If anyone knows him please pm me. I need to go confront him and settle this bullshit. I can't keep paying for a cab and insurance on the car I already sold. LMK
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I'm real pissed. Does anyone on here know ka-tony. Real name-Tony Menendez. He sold me a car and lost the title when he was moving. So, all I have is the bill of sale. We were supposed to do it the very next day and he couldn't cause of work...Ok, I understand. Now it's been a month and still no title transfer. He won't get back to me, ignores my calls. If anyone has his address please let me know! I need to drive my car already...:bigthumbu. Address or family phone number or address w/e. Please pm me!:chair:
same thing happen to me when i bought my car. he's gonna have to order a new one from DMV since he moved he wont be able to order it online because they will sent it to the address the car was registered to. as far as knowing him... sorry i dont. hope i helped.
I called the police and they told me it's a civil matter and I would need to sue him...Is it even worth doing? It sucks that I only have his old address...I'm going to make a police report with an auto theft detective and then call a lawyer. I'll also try going to his old house to see if they know anything about him...I believe they were family friends...
I have his phone number...Once he got my new cell number. He doesn't answer my calls. Doesn't call me back. He's fucking avoiding me. I know today is his day off so the guy is avoiding me and trying to forget about this. I take care of my shit when I need to and don't fuck people over, this guy needs to fucking deal with his shit if not my lawyer will...:cool:
have u tried using another phone he doesnt know? if not just chill.. and let ur lawyer take care of dat BS

I have his phone number...Once he got my new cell number. He doesn't answer my calls. Doesn't call me back. He's fucking avoiding me. I know today is his day off so the guy is avoiding me and trying to forget about this. I take care of my shit when I need to and don't fuck people over, this guy needs to fucking deal with his shit if not my lawyer will...:cool:
Lmfao how gay. Teggie boy...Good one.Take this bullshit elsewhere.Atleast you're guy still signs on here. Anyways, the guy texts me today and was like..." sorry guy, so busy with work.". He's lucky I didn't finish the report. We're supposed to handle it monday. If not cops will be at his house. Let's see what happens...:ugh:
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