need help taking off my 1995 240sx alternator

can someone plz tell me how to take off my alternator plz instructions would be nice:bigthumbu:bigthumbu:bigthumbu:bigthumbu
1st disconnect battery
2nd loosen power steering pump tensioner and remove the belt
3rd loosen the tensioner for the alternator ( i think it was a 12 or 14)
4th remove belt
5th disconnect any plugs and grounds on the alternator
6th then loosen the bolt holding the alternator on the bottom ( i cant remember the size)
7th then it should just come out

n just put the new one in the reverse order
it will come out from the bottom aslong as u dont have a nismo power brace or some other type of tension rod bracket brace
Bro, if you need to ask how to remove the alternator. You shouldn't be working on your car...

You should have someone supervise or help out. And make sure you don't electrocute the shit out of yourself... Don't loose feeling in your arm for a week like I did...
i dunno about dual cam but for my single cam i found its better thru the bottom u have alot of space compared 2 the top but wtf do i know...
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