My first FL Drift experience


Camel Jockey
Desoto is an awesome track, I don’t know what boxmod and anyone else were talking about “rally course”… theres one or two potholes in the middle… and I doubt anyone who said the track is too rough is any close to how low the two hottest FC's in FL. Dan Chilton and J lowe…you guys fucking rocked the shit outa that track…J lowe especially (props are given where they are due.)


I paid $30 to drift 10-5. I am used to paying 100-250 per event. $30 was def a plus. The track was 1.5 hours from my house(hotel room) driving under the speed limit because of the trailer. This was also a huge plus because I am used to driving 4-9 hours to Drift days…and spending another 100 on a hotel room because u obviously can’t do it all in one day.


Before I left I found a couple of local to me drifters that I caravanned with. Jaime and Marco, two legit guys, Jaime especially with his little wall escapade. They introduced me to a lot of people which maid me feel really welcome. Green machine, I forgot your real name, legit ass dude, you and your whole whiskey and rye crew. Braille battery dude with the need for speed underground lookin ass 350z was legit as well, Blake I believe his name was. I had plenty of people talking to me, but at the same time, a lot of shit talkers. I expect people to talk shit but jesus. It was awesome listening to people talk shit about other drivers, then go out and suck even worse.


Ok….this fucking SUCKED. I justified the lack of driving by the lack of entry fee. $30 bux. I ran twice. I sat in line for 2 full hours before I ran my first run. Granted the run lasted 2 or 3 minutes, that is the WORST idea you could possibly think of. My second run, I sat in line for an hour and a half, and then cut the little black Miata whose owner wasn’t paying attention and had left 3 or 4 spaces open ahead of him. This track is huge. It has an infield with its own oval…and an outside oval. Why weren’t there multiple cars on the track at the same time? Intermediate line, and Advanced line. Wanna hit the bank, get in tha advanced line. Wanna slide the infield, get in the Intermediate line.

Dude with the 1UZ S13, from what you explained to me, you organized this event so this is directed to you. Don’t charge people an entry fee to drive a track, then feel you have the right to tell them they can drive or not because YOU haven’t seen their driving. I don’t need YOU to judge my driving. If I feel like wrecking my car, leave me to my own accord…get off your high horse. I signed a waiver, relieving you of all liability…so with all due respect…shut tha fuck up.

Overall Experience

Overall, this event was fun. I def met some really dope people, this scene is waaaaaaaaay different then Chicago’s, but its something I’ll get used to I guess. I brought 8 wheels/tires to roast. And I roasted one pair….I guess I have more for Miami GP? In the end, thank you all for your hospitality, I think this relationships gonna work out fine lol.
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Thanks man!

Yeah that event was a LOT different from the normal Desoto events. Usually there's no one there, and you can drive as much as you want. I don't think anyone anticipated that turnout. Next time a set course, and run groups will probably need to be used.

LOL at dude with 1uz car. That's Brett. Sorry you had to meet him. Next event I'll hook you up with some NBDT stickers. "No Bretts Drift Team".
its hot outside.

going to search for footage now. because I'm lame and didn't make it out to support...again...
Yep, NBDT. Desoto is a wild track, its never ever boring, pretty sure this was the biggest event they've had.

Haha wish I remebered to fill my tank full, before I went out on track.
The reason I call it rally is the terrible pavement on center x, the banks, and all the dirt they have around now. Used to be smooth everywhere and grass. The owner has let it go to crap. The track is really fun until you have been there morethan 10 times, I just rather drive other events and tracks At this point. If you had been able to drive it before you'd know, it's been 3 years now since we started drifting there.

Yea the line issue I've brought up to desoto peeps many times, they just don't get it.

Brett is not a staff, just tryin to help, Jerm/dan give him a hard time.

Jerm and dan are awesome yes.

I'll see you at Miami gp then it sounds like.
I've been there way more than 10 times and it's still awesome. Just sayin.
Thanks for rollin with us ahmed. I had a blast. that was my first time sliding desoto.. i really wish my suspension was better suited for drifting rather than just looking pretty but im getting that taken care of (hopefully before miami GP). Besides the fact that i got closer to the wall then i ever intended i had alot of fun and will deffinatly be sliding at the next desoto event. Oh and MAD PROPS to dan and j-lowe you guys were killing it !
sad i didnt make it out! i cant believe there was an hour line, surprising iv never waited there more than 15 min for each run (good for track owners for once). Normally i run out of tires, crash, blowup,,crash before the day is done there. Hope to see you dudes soon at gp.
Oh boy!! Ahmed you my homie! Glad you had fun! I told you bout the wait in line crap with nobody paying any attention to the line movement! They'd rather get out of their cars and watch lol hense being blocked in line while you watch 5 or 6 of the same cars just keep going back to back runs!
event was fun. pepto on ran good for one run, but i did alot better than i thought i would, first time ever connecting at a track and i connected all of it

lines were long but fun, ahmed was doing baddass and so was jamie and dan and jeremy
good work guys!

and thanks again dan for the weld!!!

too bad my shitty run a girl i was hollering at rode with me and the broken car cockblocked the shit out of me lol

p.s. waiting for vids and pics

i saw alot of ppl taking pics and vid
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I'm the one who organizes these events in terms of picking a date and getting the word out. But, other than that Desoto staffs the event itself. I totally agree about the staging line. I talked to the staff about it, and they kept saying they would work on it. They did decide to keep the track open an extra hour, and there was a very tiny line during that hour. We had way more cars at this one than we have had in a long time. That was awesome! I'll try to start getting events every two months or so.

I could have/should have set up a course to get things moving faster.... I'll work on that one for next time. Things were just crazy with the amount of people/cars.

And, about Brett... I'm sure he was just trying to give you advice from someone who has driven there regularly for three years.... This track has gotten notorious for eating cars... and we have gotten frustrated with that reputation. This is a fun and cheap track that we want to keep available to us.

Feel free to seek me out next time... I'm usually the only chick driver there. You can help me setup the course. :)
ahmed, i'm Q, the whiskey n' rye guy. very nice to meet you.
next time i see you car i'll plop some models on top.


look forward to seeing you again.

and green _machines real name is noah.
Thanks man!

Yeah that event was a LOT different from the normal Desoto events. Usually there's no one there, and you can drive as much as you want. I don't think anyone anticipated that turnout. Next time a set course, and run groups will probably need to be used.

LOL at dude with 1uz car. That's Brett. Sorry you had to meet him. Next event I'll hook you up with some NBDT stickers. "No Bretts Drift Team".
I look fwd to tha sticker =)

Yep, NBDT. Desoto is a wild track, its never ever boring, pretty sure this was the biggest event they've had.

Haha wish I remebered to fill my tank full, before I went out on track.
So it wasn't spark plugs like people were saying?

The reason I call it rally is the terrible pavement on center x, the banks, and all the dirt they have around now. Used to be smooth everywhere and grass. The owner has let it go to crap. The track is really fun until you have been there morethan 10 times, I just rather drive other events and tracks At this point. If you had been able to drive it before you'd know, it's been 3 years now since we started drifting there.

Yea the line issue I've brought up to desoto peeps many times, they just don't get it.

Brett is not a staff, just tryin to help, Jerm/dan give him a hard time.

Jerm and dan are awesome yes.

I'll see you at Miami gp then it sounds like.
I look fwd to meeting u, hopefully I will make it with no hiccups.
personally I have driven the same track 15-20 times, full days, and I can never get sick of it. Even an oval like this one.

Thanks for rollin with us ahmed. I had a blast. that was my first time sliding desoto.. i really wish my suspension was better suited for drifting rather than just looking pretty but im getting that taken care of (hopefully before miami GP). Besides the fact that i got closer to the wall then i ever intended i had alot of fun and will deffinatly be sliding at the next desoto event. Oh and MAD PROPS to dan and j-lowe you guys were killing it !
thx for tha hospitality u have shown me man.

good to meet you man. hopefully ill see you in miami
likewise, looking fwd to it.

sad i didnt make it out! i cant believe there was an hour line, surprising iv never waited there more than 15 min for each run (good for track owners for once). Normally i run out of tires, crash, blowup,,crash before the day is done there. Hope to see you dudes soon at gp.
2 hour line lol.

Oh boy!! Ahmed you my homie! Glad you had fun! I told you bout the wait in line crap with nobody paying any attention to the line movement! They'd rather get out of their cars and watch lol hense being blocked in line while you watch 5 or 6 of the same cars just keep going back to back runs!
yea that shit was ricockulous

I'm the one who organizes these events in terms of picking a date and getting the word out. But, other than that Desoto staffs the event itself. I totally agree about the staging line. I talked to the staff about it, and they kept saying they would work on it. They did decide to keep the track open an extra hour, and there was a very tiny line during that hour. We had way more cars at this one than we have had in a long time. That was awesome! I'll try to start getting events every two months or so.

I could have/should have set up a course to get things moving faster.... I'll work on that one for next time. Things were just crazy with the amount of people/cars.

And, about Brett... I'm sure he was just trying to give you advice from someone who has driven there regularly for three years.... This track has gotten notorious for eating cars... and we have gotten frustrated with that reputation. This is a fun and cheap track that we want to keep available to us.

Feel free to seek me out next time... I'm usually the only chick driver there. You can help me setup the course. :)
I'm def down to help setup the course, even speak with the track guys on your behalf, when your getting ready to setup another event PM me or something, I def have quite a few ideas to make the event run smoother.

ahmed, i'm Q, the whiskey n' rye guy. very nice to meet you.
next time i see you car i'll plop some models on top.

look forward to seeing you again.

and green _machines real name is noah.

look fwd to seeing u again, and i'm down for some models on my shitbox =), maybe I'll make my car pretty for Miami gp.
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