ME wrecking my 240sx

lol i hit the corner perfect i had a good 15 runs in before i wrecked... on last run... i initated wayyyy to late... im running open diff... ( i use shift lock to get both wheels to spin ) i come into corner in 3rd go to 2nd clutch in i let rpms drop as soon as i went to initate i was past my spot where i alway turn in dump clutch and let go of the wheel... i thought it was gonna go good until the rear of my car caught the sand after they touched the sand i saw the pole tried to left off throttle and turn outta it nothing stopped it.... and bam right into pole... ohh well im getting another 240 on thursday =] enjoy my pain :laugh:
meh its a development place noone lives out there yet its underconstruction its 3 miles from anywhere no people for a good 3 miles lol... but yeah been going to that spot for 2 years and now its fucked thanks to my fuck up lmao ohh well i got about 4 other spots hehe
well it missed the rims by alot thank god lol.. no frame damage.... just the pass rear quarter is FUCKED gas gauge no longer works lol so its a guess how much gas is left... basically its beyond repair. so im just getting a shell and swapping everything over.
wow that sucks.. but we have all been there done that. Get your flame suit ready man just warning ya.
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19s13hb240sx said:
well it missed the rims by alot thank god lol.. no frame damage.... just the pass rear quarter is FUCKED gas gauge no longer works lol so its a guess how much gas is left... basically its beyond repair. so im just getting a shell and swapping everything over.

when you dump this one you can let me have it ;) I dont mind fixing shit.....

ps 3 miles away is great except that then there is only one person when the cops finally show up on the road trying to figure out who smashed into the pole.

glad to see you are ok.
lmao its all good i was expecting it to hurt.... cause i was comming into corner at a good 55 mph slid into drit and saw pole comming ahahah all it did was jerk the fuck outta me... but didnt hurt.
Wow, i feel your pain....
That Sucks ASS like MONKEY ASS>

That pole just Desintegrated.

Make shure you go Sign the pole. Mark ur Territory ok?


I shured MArked my Palm tree at the triangle.
And I pee on it too .lol

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