man f**k me

Ive always known you gotta take a tablespoon of cinnamon, nothing to drink, and not cough or throw up
i did it once but i coughed and the shit came flying out of my i was spitting out cinnamon all fucking was a horrible experience..
how did it tase!!!!!?!?? lol i know like cinomon but like is it really that strong?
that's hilarious, you should have knocked her out and taken your money back!

I would bet that noone could eat 8 saltine crackers in under a minute without drinking anything.

I was betting people here at the hospital, and I made 40 bucks. lol
eNtRy SpEeD said:
that's hilarious, you should have knocked her out and taken your money back!

I would bet that noone could eat 8 saltine crackers in under a minute without drinking anything.

I was betting people here at the hospital, and I made 40 bucks. lol

I used to make pesos off that one!
gallon challenge consume 1 gallon of whole d milk in 1 hour however ude like as long as u consume all 1 gallon of et in a hour lol

guillermo half glass of tequila half glass of whole d milk
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