Lo-Jack type service


Posted this on another auto forum I visit, not sure if you all are paranoid about lo-jack type services but I am looking for all the feedback I can get...

I'm working on a hardware solution that will allow your car to be tracked yourself online without a monthly service fee* I put together a little demo of the service you can view for yourself--this is a snapshot log of a vehicle's GPS info NOT live...i don't think our pilot tester would apprecate people

DEMO: http://www.sfdrivers.com/lojack

The cost of equipment will be atleast $300, costing no more then $600...I'm just wondering if this type of thing is of intrest to people, feel free to ask questions.
if im tracking the car and hit the 20x button, will it actually make my car go 20x faster???
And what would prevent someone else knowing where my car is? Like some uBer l33t Hacxors who want my tight whip?
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