Kanye West is a dumb f*ck

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Sean Love

Ok so I'm driving home from work today listening to Pandora and I happen to catch a lyric in this song that Ive never noticed, but I've been noticing more and more in hiphop lyrics that too many of these 'artists' have IQ's less than their age.

[Verse - Kanye West]
I say fuck the police, thats how I treat em
We buy our way out of jail, but we can't buy freedom
We'll buy a lot of clothes when we don't really need em
Things we buy to cover up what's inside
Cause they make us hate ourself and love they wealth
That's why shortys hollering "where the ballas' at?"
Drug dealer buy Jordans, crackhead buy crack
And a white man get paid off of all of that

But I ain't even gon act holier than thou
Cause fuck it, I went to Jacob with 25 thou
Before I had a house and I'd do it again
Cause I wanna be on 106 and Park pushing a Benz
I wanna act ballerific like it's all terrific
I got a couple past due bills, I won't get specific
I got a problem with spending before I get it
We all self conscious I'm just the first to admit it

[Chorus - to fade (w/ Kanye ad-libs)]

One realization that has changed me in recent years is the fairly simple notion that you must identify a problem in order to fix it, not just the symptoms, but the cause of the problem itself. When people constantly blame others for their problems, they will never change because they feel the problem lies outside of their control which is a lazy deafeatist crybaby attitude
i think its funny how black people bitch about the white man but if it wasnt for white people you wouldnt get welfare and wic. so they talk shit about white poeple but have no probelm taking a hand out from them. and dont get me started on slavery im native american my people got it way worse then black people did back then. Kanye is a fuckin tooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
And then there's this one:

H to the izz-O, V to the izz-A
Fo' shizzle my nizzle used to dribble down in VA
Was hurtin 'em in the home of the Terrapins; got it dirt cheap for them
Plus if they was short with cheese I would work with them
<---- hold on, lets give this man the nobel fucking peace prize for cutting deals with drug addicts who steal shit from their family to pay Jay-Z....

and later in the same song!!!:

Hov' is back, life stories told through rap
*****z actin like I sold you crack
Like I told you sell drugs; no, Hov' did that
so hopefully you won't have to go through that
<---- Huh??? Jay-Z selling drugs is somehow supposed to make other people not have to??!?!!!

I was raised in the pro-jects, roaches and rats
Smokers out back, sellin they mama's sofa
<---I guess it never occured to the brilliant Jay-Z that the people selling their mama's sofa are doing it to buy drugs from him????

Seriously pathetic garbage. And these are some of the most looked up to people by kids in the USA.

Should I need any more reason to want to move to a country where productivity, ingenuity and actual ACHIEVEMENTS are more honored than dumb millionaires making music/videos about their party lifestyle and then crying that the white man is holdin' them down....???
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I've said it once, and I'll say it again, the music industry has turned to shit. True talented artists are being rejected, while these dumb fucks are becoming millionaires.
I hold them down everyday. I'm a white man, yes, I have THAT much power. Jay-Z is a fucking moron, all his songs contradict themselves. Same with Jeezy, Lil Wayne, everyone big these days really. I sold crack, white man holding me down but I prevailed, still selling crack... AW shit cops caught me selling crack, I HATE COPS NOW THEY BE CATCHING ME DO ILLEGAL STUFF! Whitey trying to stop a black mans hustle! How about get a job like everyone else and find something called HONOR of EARNING the money you make.

Ho ho hova! I'm worth so much money (150 million) I'm highest paid rapper ever! I dont get dropped, I drop the label! Bitch you dont realize your OWNED by white guys worth BILLIONS on top of you? Believe me you'll get dropped faster than a turd out a horses ass once your shit doesn't sell anymore. Ugh, Ho ho ho people.
this thread and this topic is gay........i like how everyone has an idea of what black people are tho......keep em' coming
I didn't say anything about "what black people are" I'm talking about the rappers that happen to all be black, making money off rapping about selling drugs and having the white man hold them down.
Yes. I never expect shit to be handed to me as SAS stated earlier. I never complain about what I dont have either. I do me and thats it. So that generalization IMO is incorrect.

OK, fair enough, looks like some removed SAS's comments anyway, but you called my thread and topic gay...... -random distraction- Do you like fish sticks?? I heard Kanye West does....

Maybe youre a gay fish???

Back on the serious side though, my point was that Kanya West has made millions of dollars crying about dumb social shit that makes no sense. Let me go make a song and start blaming black people for the problems of the USA and see how much radio play it gets...

The very fact that you immediately tried to act like this was about race highlights that far too many people people twist the race shit to favor themselves. I think these days many people don't want equality because they are happy with the lopsided status quo and the benefit it affords them.

"An idea of what black people are" ???? Are you saying that "black people" as a group are all something specific???? I thought they were just people, meaning each one of them is different, just like red people and brown people and even white people too....

Matter of fact, we are all just people. And if you were born in America you're an American, just like me. Not an african-american. I'm not a Scottish American, I was born here, my grandfather was a Scottish-American.
The thing is everyone looks out for themselves. You would say the same too. Fuck everyone I'm getting paid I don't care what happens to anyone. If he would let some crackheads get away with not paying him he will be the weaker one and end up getting killed or robbed. In the long run we are human and lookout for us and family. That's it.
OK, fair enough, looks like some removed SAS's comments anyway, but you called my thread and topic gay...... -random distraction- Do you like fish sticks?? I heard Kanye West does....

Maybe youre a gay fish???

Back on the serious side though, my point was that Kanya West has made millions of dollars crying about dumb social shit that makes no sense. Let me go make a song and start blaming black people for the problems of the USA and see how much radio play it gets...

The very fact that you immediately tried to act like this was about race highlights that far too many people people twist the race shit to favor themselves. I think these days many people don't want equality because they are happy with the lopsided status quo and the benefit it affords them.

"An idea of what black people are" ???? Are you saying that "black people" as a group are all something specific???? I thought they were just people, meaning each one of them is different, just like red people and brown people and even white people too....

Matter of fact, we are all just people. And if you were born in America you're an American, just like me. Not an african-american. I'm not a Scottish American, I was born here, my grandfather was a Scottish-American.

SAS deleted his own comments......and I was replying to him......I can care less about Kanye I hate that guy. I called the topic gay because of where it ended up. I didnt start talking about race. I just got in and cleared it up when I saw it being thrown around. Anyway I dont care either way I just dont like to be generalized because I dont fit most stereotypes so its poppycock in my honest opinion.
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