iWANTboost - Sold me broken Item

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Luis R.
Alright I didnt want it come down to this but I am left with a broken phone and out $150.

To start the seller is NOT iWANTboost but a good friend of his. I am sorry I have to post this but I work just as hard as everyone else to make money so its not fair that I am stuck with a broken phone and your friend is out rockin' with the money. I hope you dont take this personal because like I said, its not about you its about your friend. The only reason I have to use your name is because you poseted under your name so you are kind of responsible.

On Monday Feb. 18 2008 I found his for sale thread on this forum which you can see HERE.
So the same day I went to pick the phone up. On picking the phone up the battery was dead which was the reason I did not have a chance to try out the phone. I asked the seller for the charger so I can atleast try it out. He said he did not have the charger but assured me the phone worked just fine. I know I must have asked him no less than three times if it was fine and he said yes. Lastly I told him "If anything is wrong with it can I bring it back and get my money" and he said " Yeah of course cause you wont need to becuase the phone is fine".

With the guys word that it worked I took the phone. I immediately took it home to charge it. After a good charge I loaded my sim card in it and began to use it. In using it I noticed that something was not right about the phone. I thought it was maybe the setting so I reset every single there was to reset back to factory settings. Later I realized the problem was one of the main bottons on the phone was stuck on which threw almost the entire phone off.

Once I figured that out I called the seller the same day to tell him what was wrong with the phone and to resolve the problem.
He kept insisting the phone was fine so I told him that I would meet with him to show him what was wrong with the phone. He told me it couldnt be the same night because it was already kind of late which I understand. So he said he would call me the next day to resolve the whole thing.

The next day came and I never recieved his call. So I wouldnt be annoying I left him a PM telling him that I would be free the next day (today) to meet up with him. Well I get no call today either so I took it upon myself to call him.

So I call him and the first time he picks up. For some reason he couldnt hear me or he payed it off as he couldnt so I hung up. RIGHT after I hung up I called him three consecutive times in which he did not answer. After that I sent him a text message to his phone telling him to contact me. The day I PM'd him to buy the phone he provided a screen name on AIM. I added him on aim and it turned out to be iWANTboost. He told me they had just got out of a baseball game so thats the reason why he problably wasent able to hear me. So maybe 15-30 mins after I was told that I called him another three times in which he did not answer.

I did talk to iWANTboost and asked him to tell the seller to please have him contact me.

ALSO the day I talked to him telling him the phone was broken he said he had an unpaid debt which he had to take care of so he did not have the money to pay me back.

I am out of things to do so maybe posting this will really push you to get your friend to pay back the money in the sake of your name.

Thank you and I hope we are able to get this taken care of.

-Luis R.
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Horrible excuse...just give him his money back and he will give you the phone back and you call it a day. Ban hammer on this kid...well after the refund :)

Not the best reputation to start off as a new member that rips people off.

Horrible excuse...just give him his money back and he will give you the phone back and you call it a day. Ban hammer on this kid...well after the refund :)

Not the best reputation to start off as a new member that rips people off.


+1....luis is a cool ass dude too.....
Is not that he should be baned is that if its your friend fone that sold it to luis then if he's nat taking reponsability you should so that you can clean your name bro and if your friend is putting your name to shame then he aint really your friend. So out of common decensy and out of just plain being a man about it take resposability
Thinking about it now it is some what your fault for not knowing how to buy items in this case, which surprises me because you are a person that knows how to buy thngs. Back to the hussle...any person in the world can act as Christian when it comes to a sale, but it doesn't mean there telling you the truth you should have waited to see if the phone turned on and checked it.

Not against you just stating your mistake on this one.
wow thats some shitty shit right there.... and you being asscoiated with that is going to make your name dirty... i will tell you right now i and im sure neither would alot of people now, wouldnt buy shit from you just cause of what happen to luis. if i were you i would really look into getting your buddy to making this shit strait and cleaning up your name.
Thinking about it now it is some what your fault for not knowing how to buy items in this case, which surprises me because you are a person that knows how to buy thngs. Back to the hussle...any person in the world can act as Christian when it comes to a sale, but it doesn't mean there telling you the truth you should have waited to see if the phone turned on and checked it.

Not against you just stating your mistake on this one.

I agree with you. Trust me if it wasent sfldrifters I would have not bought the phone. For the most part everyone on here looks out for other members.

Also I figured he made me drive all this way to go get it so it must work.
What car do these kids drive? Is one of them a white S14? iWANTboost sounds like srs14 or que pinga if so I know this kid.
Total bullshit, i hate that people come into our community that we have a certain level of trust for other members and take advantage of that trust. Luis is a stand up guy and doesn't deserve to be swindled...

My suggestion is that you take care of the situation before it completely destroys your rep.

next time dont trust sales made by a n00b.
or if they are a noob ask around if any other member knows em personally here...
its very true, we have a lot of trust on this forum..
hope you get your money back dude + get everything resolved.

Thats the problem with the honor system here. Noob Douches like that guy selling broken shit to hardworking people on here.

On other forums you either need to be a vouched member or have a certain number of posts to sell.

Give the guy his POS phone back, and get your 150 dollars.
Yo.,. im sorry to hear this!! just in case..the guy who sold u that phone..the name is bryan ?? i think is the friend of HOOKER305 " remember that one " he's friend bougth an white S14 and is the same as.. "que pinga " im not sure about that...but may be im right. also i think ..IWANTBOOST is the same hooker305 .. due to the bullshit answer what he give it to u.. u got he's phone number. and im down with u to get the money back.!i need to get little streess out of me.. lol

Yeah, he has a white S14.
man i was going to buy the phone he told me zenki couldnt make it and asked me to pick it up that he lived by dolphin man thank god he didnt sell it to me. Iwantboost give the man his money and gtfo here. I hope for the best i hate freaking scammers
Yeah//. He live by dolphing.. Im Sure Hes the same Hooker305 and he's friend.. they got like 4 accounts here now. someone has to do something with it.
this is the pm he left me

im by dolphin mall. if ur willing to give me 150 for it tonight call me at 786 553 9781. if not im selling it to him
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