is any one using a freddy intake manifold on an sr???


Ali Nassar
im just wondering, cuz i got one for free but i dont know if i should go through the time of putting it on, i read on sum forum that there is a loss in torque, and some hp loss in lower rpms. so i dont know whether i should put it on or not
Yeah, low end will drop off. If you dont run more than like 14 psi, its not worth it. Apparentley they explode over 21psi, but I've had mine on 25psi multiple times, and its still together. hahaha.
I wouldn't do it i had one on my old setup and all it would do is create problems..

dont do it every place ive read about those things have been nothing but negative. from what i hear the stock manifold is the way to go because of its design. ever notice how anyone who has SR changes everything else but the manifold. if i were you get rid of it and make some money.:bigthumbu:bigthumbu
I ran it on my old sr etup. I took a dremel to the ports to smooth them out. I ran 25psi daily on it. Not a single problem
im not sure... but theres a greddy intake mani that has been discontinued and like in two months they're releaseing a new one. BTW my cousin just starting runing that setup for his sr with that same discontinued mani ill keep u updated on how its going
thats what im worried about, cuz im a believer of "you get what you pay for", and i would never buy an ebay intake manifold, but this one was given to me buy a friend for free cuz he just had it sitting there, but i dont know if i should put it on or not
its just the casting that suxs. so if u take the time and smooth out the inside and runners it will be fine. if ur not running a large tubo(something capabale of pushing large volums of air) this manifold will only hurt u. u will really suffer bottom end hp, and tq. also if u already have the sr in ur car, this manifold places the throttle body in a diffrent place, so a new cold pipe will be needed. u will also need to reroute/block off coolant lines and vacuum lines.
^^what he said :) i just installed an official greddy on my car - all the hoses and stuffs has to be redone, along with the coldpipe, and throttle cable bracket is a biggie
later spool time. loss in bottomend tq, and hp, time consuming to install correct.
improved flow at high boost levels over 15lbs. lots more hand room on intake side. can accept larger throtle body.
later spool time. loss in bottomend tq, and hp, time consuming to install correct.
improved flow at high boost levels over 15lbs. lots more hand room on intake side. can accept larger throtle body.


Changing manifolds is kind of like changing cams, there's always going to be give and take.

Since it was given to you I'll leave it up to you to decide if it's worth it to you. I don't know your set up, but if you're running a basically stock SR (no huge 400+HP snail and accompanying upgrades) it's probably better off left for later, or sold for money for parts more applicable to your setup's current state. But it would suck to do all the work only to have that thing take a shit (crack) and have to put it all back. Since it is made in Chinatown
I have one, and expected it to be a totall piece of shit, and went through the whole thing with a porting bit and took alot out of the runners. then smoothed out the runners with the smoother sand paper bits. then bead blasted the whole thing. Then, I assembled the throttle body, I looked inside to see if there were any restrictions, and found a fairly decent amount of material I had to remove to get the STOCK throttle body to match up! after that I took a tap kit and retapped all of the treads. Some were good and the majority were horrible i.e. idle air control cracked on the corner, throttle body threads were horrible. after I got everything bolted up and port matched the head and made my own gasket, it seemed to respond faster when revving. I do have a bigger turbo and larger injectors, Z32 and the like. So its up to you. the whole process took about 4.5 hours. the casting is garbage but with a little work you can make it worth it. I don't have any hard numbers but you can definitly feel the difference.
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