I totalled my daily tonight..... pics....


Well, on my way home I was rear ended on the turnpike by a guy who fell asleep. I was doing 45 in the left lane (slowing down due to some congestion) and some guy who fell asleep nailed me doing 80 (never even hit the brakes). Him hitting me sent me flying into the U turn barrier which then sent me into a 540 sideways spin (driver side was on on the ground). I eventually landed right side up back across the other side of the turnpike. Anyway... I'm pretty banged up but nothing too bad so far. here are the pics I took with my cam. phone....

Notice anything missing from my wheel???? like maybe the entire center?

The rear angle where the guy rear ended me....

The corner that nailed the barrier.....

In all seriousness my seatbelt probably saved my life by not letting me fly out the window. So PLEASE buckel up and kiss a loved one!!!!
Damn, that was no fender bender. Glad to hear you came out alright. Any news on the other guy?
Tonymac said:
Damn, that was no fender bender. Glad to hear you came out alright. Any news on the other guy?

He was fine... no scratches or anything and his car had some front end damage. My biggest injury is my shoulder where the seatbelt was.

Thanks again for everyone's support.... looks like i'll be car shopping this weekend.
Damn dude!!! Glad you made it!!! I always tell myself that if someone hits me! I am gonna get out and beat their ass!!!
k4rr said:
Damn dude!!! Glad you made it!!! I always tell myself that if someone hits me! I am gonna get out and beat their ass!!!

i tried that once. the cop laughed; until he looked down and saw how big the torque wrench in my hand was.

in all seriousness glad to see you're okay; i got totalled recently as well.
I'm trying to go over options on what to get to replace the xb... I can afford something nicer now that I'm parting out the mustang.... I was thinking an Evo or 350z.....
thank god ur ok and alive... seatbelts work no if and or buts about it, they work. saved me from flying through a windshield when i wrapped my car around a tree...
It's good to know you made it fine. I take the turnpike to and from school everyday and I've seen the most horrible accidents on there... and near accidents too, crazy.
CobraStngSVT said:
I'm trying to go over options on what to get to replace the xb... I can afford something nicer now that I'm parting out the mustang.... I was thinking an Evo or 350z.....

350Z FTMFW!! but why are you parting out the stang :-(

either way, stay away form the Evo....so many around now, its like a 2nd coming of the civic...(sorry z4k)
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