homeless photography



Came up to this really cool homeless guy while I was taking another panoramic of the downtown skyline, asked if I can take his picture of him fishing for his crab dinner.
i was just looking at this on your flickr.. its awesome :] I love capturing things like this, and you caught it well.
:( im sad for him.... but... that picture brought emotion out which is always good. great shot. :bigthumbu
the look on his face is priceless crack is a hell of a drug LMAO

dont judge a book by its cover
the guy never did drugs, was just a heavy drinker who became straight after his life was down the drain, he is slowly getting there, he works at flannigans bartending some nights,
bro you should definitly submit that picture to national geographic...they look at the pictures that get sent in and they choose 3 of them and publish them in the magazine as shot of the month....go to ....www.ngm.com/yourshot
man i always wanted to do that... you can make a living out of that... the sadness in his eyes... is like he is empty... find more homeless people and take enough shots to expose them in a gallery...
man i always wanted to do that... you can make a living out of that... the sadness in his eyes... is like he is empty... find more homeless people and take enough shots to expose them in a gallery...

Port of Miami/Downtown by the docks.....TOOOONS OF HOMELESS!
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