Home Purchasing or Refinancing


Haven't posted in here in a while, but used to be a very active member with my S14 sr20det.

Anyways, I just wanted to throw out there that I have recently become a part of the Finance side of Real Estate. Since I am a new Mortgage Loan Officer I am trying to build up my client base. (very difficult thing actually lol)

So PLEASE help me if you think you can! I would LOVE the experience and opportunity to work with you or any of your friends or family members that are in a home and paying way too high of a mortgage, or are even looking for a new home. I just was able to finance my friend who is 21 for his first home and it is one of the coolest things ever to see how happy he was.

I would also love to network with any of you guys or girls in any way.

Sorry if you think this is spam: but i just wanted to let anyone know that I am here to help to my best abilities. Thanks for reading if you did.

Just in case you thought I was lying about my baby: here's a throwback:
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