
Ok im stumped as was my friend. I get a call about an hour or 2 ago saying his hatch wont start. So i go over to take a look. Motor turns over but wont fire up. Its a brand new starter so i know its not that(altho is there any way to check it for sure?). Im no mechanic for real. I can fix things and install things, but i cant really diagnose things. So sooomeone give me an idea so i can get his hatch running and get outta here!
Im thinking it might be his fuel pump about to go check that. ya might have to walk me through this a lil how would i check for spark?

^ stupid homeboy talking. Ok we got spark and the fuel pump is priming. Im still gonna remove the fuel pump to see if its building pressure, but i cant think of shit honestly. Im gonna pick up a fuel pump and change it (since this ones old as fuck) and hopefully that fixes the problem. Mayb its cuz hes on a slight hill and the fuel pump cant get any gas? who knows! LoL
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BUMP! ok we got spark and fuel. Before going to get a new fuel pump i disconected the fuel line from the fuel rail and turned over the motor and fuel cam spurtin out! sooooo... im left with either some kind of air problem? or his timing? that sound about right?
you don't need to take out the fule pump to see if your getting fuel. just open the fuel pressure regluator.

lol you beat me to it.

ok you might not be firing fule from the injectors you'll need a test light to check them.
starting fluid is your friend make shure your injectors are firing just checking if the rail is getting fuel dosent mean the motor is. take out the ecu open it up and have a whif ive burnt out 1 befor
fuck... i dont know if i kno anyone with a test light o_O time to make some phone calls... and i'll check the ECU as well brb..

ECU is fine... and still pending on the timing light.... starting fluid... i've used it with carb'd motors before. So im assuming that instead of putting it in the putting it in the throttle body?
turn the motor over a few time take a plug out get a flash light and look at the top of the cylinder if it wet or damp you have fuel if not something wrong with the injectors thats how we check
ok i got it started! heres wat i did. opened the fuel line up and turned over the motor until there was a little gas in the cup. Closed it back up and opened the intake by the throttle body. poured the little bit of gas into the throttle body and went to turn the car on. did i mention i forgot to close the intake back up? So the car turns on, idles like shit and dies. puzzled i give up and start putting everything back together figuring i need a new fuel filter or something. everythings closed up (intake is now closed) and i figure for the hell of it to just try and start it and VRROOOOM.. there she goes. runs perfect. shut her off and started her up a few more times just to see. Soooo i gotta get an O-ring for the fuel pump, and possible a fuel filter and that should cover all problems. Thanks for the help guys.
you never use starting fluid cause if you use it wrong, like you put in too much, you can lock up the motor and bend a valve. or if it backfires and burns up the maf. both i they case i have seen, you dont need to check with starting fluid. if it has fuel, meaning you have correct pressure and the injectors are spraying correctly and spark the only other thing is compression.
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