From TJ's mouth....on the phone with him.

LowRisksCC MA47

Wrong wheel parked.
This is coming from TJ's (kwkouki's) mouth. *on the phone with him now*

Hey guys, im alive for now. They are telling me that I have a very unhappy colin we are trying to please the colin, or else it will kill me. So yea, thats about it...and all im going to say. Nicole, thank you so much for forcing me to go to the probably saved my life....You will get 2 Genki Style stickers for free. :bigthumbu

The number is (305)-294-5531 room 324 Antonio aka(TJ) Gartenmayer
He is up right now guys, Post was made at 1:37 am

Hey guys, now this is Zach talking....Tj is laid up in the hospital. He is in good spirits and im making him :laugh: a little bit. He has no introwebs at the hostpital. I know there is already a post about TJ, however he wanted to give everyone a personal message and that is why I made the new post. Nicole...who ever you are, thank you. This man is my best friend, I didn't even know about this till about an hour ago...but I would have prob told him to go take a dump.

So guys, say a prayer. If your waiting on GS stickers Ill talk to TJ about me trying to fill the orders if it comes to that. But now the GS stickers will be supporting something more....something like the insane hospital bills.

Thank you all for the support, I know all the support and love will help TJ pull through this, and I will be reading the posts off to TJ daily. So if you got something to say, say it here and ill be sure to pass it on for you.
e30 gangsta said:
damn sucks doesnt the county hook it up with insurance?
Yea, the nearest hospital in OUR insurance plan is 150 miles away. They really fuckin hooked us up!

Dude, our insuance company sucks ass. Its been 3 months since I went to the E.R. and the hospital STILL has not gotten paid. My sisters credit is all jacked up because of our insuance and how they looooooove to play the "We never got your claim" bullshit. Fuck Acordia!!!!!!
I just called him up. He sounds shitty as fuck. I told him it was a great cover up for not making it to the BBQ today lol.

Wished him best of luck with a speedy recovery. Sucks to hear him like that tho.
Just got off the phone with him, sounds a little banged up but its nothing that a 12pack of coronas cant fix..ill make an effort to get down there to see you him tonight or tomorrow
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I saw TJ at 6:30 this morning, hes groggy as hell, in a lot of pain, but he is still in good spirits. I think he should be up by now, his family should be there with him...but if you call you may miss him. He has a long day of tests, needles, and nurses that aint so Serious Business approved. :mad:

Anyways, I told him that everyone has been posting and there are a ton of hearts going out to him. This made him smile and I know it made him feel alot better. Im going to try to go see him before I go to work tonight. If I do I will update you all around 6-7 pm after I get on shift and get my things in order.

If you want to leave TJ a message on here, do it. Im going to be writing everything in a card with everypnes name attached for him for tommarow morning after I get off of work. If you want to send TJ a card send it to my address. (I don't know his)

Send to
Zach Reis
P.O. Box 5867
Key West Florida 33045

Put FOR TJ on the back so I know its for him, or something of the sort so I don't go and piss on his get well card parade.
Damn TJ sick :(

Zach do you work this weekend? 17th - 19th? I have to go down and see how my TJ is doing. let him know that I will see his bich ass in a few days.
NOOOOOO :eek: :(
I know that shit is not fun at all.
I need my TJ in good working order for tandem. :bigthumbu
dont worry homie you've always been in my prayers, hurry up and get better soon.
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