electronic problems on my car

hey guys havent seen u guys in a bit hows it hanging? anyways i wanted know if any1 seen or know how 2 fix this problem i have on my car, the other day i when 2 a shop on my car to fix it cuz it had no clutch pedal (i most say driving with out no pedal is weird )anyways i fix it then im coming home and when i get infront of my house my car starts 2 act wierd like i would press the gas but the engine had no powerso i think is nothing bit then later on im moving it from parking space and right when i get 2 the other parking space it turns off and i try truning it back on and it doesnt trun on it was like if it didnt have no electricity or battery then i check the ing fuse and it was blown then i got a new 1 and i put it on and i try to strat the car again and it blows the fuse again so then i get another 1 i put on and i try again and this time the engine acts like is going 2 start but it doesnt so i trun off the ing switch and try again and this time it blows the relight or relate wutever u call it is the 1 from the ing coil so i change that 1 and the starter cuz i thought it was the starter so i change that as well, i still cant trun on the car i put new fuses and a new startee, can any1 help me out ?
well first off, i didnt even try to take the time to read the whole post, please use appropriate punctuation or at least a few ............. to pause your statement.

a reoccuring blown fuse is from an electrical short within the wire run. check in the steering coloum for wires that might have gotten twisted up in the coloum or nicked wires that are disrupting the circuit. If you are cool you might be able to find a multimeter that is able to measure the distance of a open circuit, by knowing the length in inches or ft will narrow down where your short could be.

i breifly saw you talk or say something about a starter \ replaced. rewrite about the starter that contributes to this thread.

check the fuse panels with a test light, be sure power is going to every fuse. on a s13 there are fuse panels behind the driver side kick panel, and under the hood.
^^^What he said^^^
Definitely get a multimeter that is if you know how to use one, you basically need to find the short and eliminate it. Have you done any elcetrical installs lately ie.. Radio, speakers, gauges. S13's like to short out easily when you install anything electrical. See if you have any spliced wires near the fuse box and relays( not relates for further referance) I hope we were of some help. Later.
no i havent install anything electrical lately but all check that out thanx alot =D

well i would open the ing switch and the car would make this noice by wehere the starter was so i thought it was the starter that was gone so thats how i got a new starter, i installed it + i put new fuses and a new ing coil relay
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