El Huracan Fay!!!


I know some people go crazy when there's a hurricane on the way, just wanted to know what some of you are doing to prepare for what whatever's coming. Supposedy South Florida will start feeling it later on tonight from what I heard on Telemundo, do you guys think the lights will go out or massive destruction will happen? Probably not, I have a bottle of Don Q and a couple boxes of Kraft macaroni and cheese, I think I'm ready. What do you guys think will happen?
lol well my mom stocked up on stuff.. hope the power doesnt go out to long if it.. jeremy im coming to ur house to work on the cars :D
this hurricane should be called Fayl! seriously. they cancelled school over some little rain. high skool gets out in an hour and the weather is just drizzling. lol there were actually lines at a gas station:laugh::laugh:
Like DJ said, I really hope the power doesn't stay off for long. Because we are on wellwater and no power means you can't flush the toilet ewwwww.
I guess it's good for the kids, when I was in high school I loved it when they cancelled class because of a hurricane. :bigthumbu
def working on my car.....half a bottle of cruzan will end all boredness if needed
should be called hurricane fag -__-

well i just drove thru all the weather to go pick up a radio for the beater.

gonna go and install it now.car porch FTW!
stocked on gas for the generator. spent a good part of last night running #'s and tracking.

since I am on the West coast.
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