Easier to drift one direction vs. the other?

I find it easier to drift around a right hand corner vs. a left hander. Maybe its because I have better situational awareness from sitting in the left side of the car, who knows?:rolleyes: I was just wondering if anybody else was like me when they started drifting.
I'd have to say yes.. for me atleat. I think left handers are easier being (LHD) and having a better view of the turn makes it a tad easier to adjust - and lack of experience on right handers dont help either :D
It's not that it's easier from left or right to me, I just find that my balls are x20 times larger in a left hand entry.
I found I trusted my self going in to lefts more when I first started though once in the corner neither were really easier
You street sliders get more practice going left because there's more space than a short quick right. Unless a quick tail whip out counts. Which I don't think so.

Every parking lot I've been to I've only had success with lefts but when I try it out at the skidpad I want to learn rights. They make the better driving pics imo
i usually do better left turns.. ast desoto it was pretty visible that i cant turn right for shit.lol.
i agree with the street sliding theory.lol
it makes no difference to me. i havent noticed or had any trouble with either side. i can swing it both ways....

wait wut?
You street sliders get more practice going left because there's more space than a short quick right. Unless a quick tail whip out counts. Which I don't think so.

Every parking lot I've been to I've only had success with lefts but when I try it out at the skidpad I want to learn rights. They make the better driving pics imo

This makes perfect sense...except for tha better driving pics though, idk about all that.
I think lefts are easier. But for manji's for some reason, I always feign left and initiate right.
i can controll the car going both ways when im in the drift but right hander scare the shit out me entering and switching into a right hander from a mangi only works like 10% of the time...... i suck lol
on my left hand entries I guess the pillar blocking my view is what limits me on the streets. But in an empty lot I can toss it either way.
Left hand turns ftw. I can kick out right hand too, but it feels very weird. Maybe because on the left side I have a better sence of where the front end is in proportion to the median or whatever im going around
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