E-Manage or SAFC-II

Enthalpy. Rom tune is where its at for KA-T. Unless you're baller and you can AEM. But Rom tunes do the trick. Tom from HK has been running like 14psi+ on his stock bottom Ka-t set up with an enthalpy rom tune. Like 8 months strong.
Lol! If u need to ask this question u should be no where near cars!!!!!

im 17 we all start somewhere! you dnt know everything about cars...someone tought you and someone tought them!! you ask and learn!! you arent a car god you werent born knowing everything there is to know so shutup grow up stop flaming and if your not gunna post helpful info GTFO the thread!
have a nice day

to everyone else...thank you all for the info. i will PM him to get further info. thanks to all
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nope ill enjoy this thread and bash on u since ur a noob!

all u had todo was research!
u ask a question where all u had todo was search google, and the answers would have been there! but instead u got lasy and asked here hoping for people todo the work and give u answers for u! no i dont know all, but when in doubt i search!!!!

search>u all day!

read below!
what's your budget?

safc II good if your on a serious budget and can't wait to save for anything else. emanage a waste in my oppion I can get a stand alone for the price of an emanage ultimate.
emange :thumbsdow not worth it for the price. you get limited tuning options. Safc is good but you need an EGT and Wideband for sure. but like everyone else said the best bang for your buck would have to be the chipped ecu
im 17 we all start somewhere! you dnt know everything about cars...someone tought you and someone tought them!! you ask and learn!! you arent a car god you werent born knowing everything there is to know so shutup grow up stop flaming and if your not gunna post helpful info GTFO the thread!
have a nice day

to everyone else...thank you all for the info. i will PM him to get further info. thanks to all

Take it easy fella, yes everyone starts somewhere, but a little more checking on your part would've done you good.

Here's a scale as far as tuning capabilities and price, Ill start low:

Chipped ECU
E-manage/E-manage Ultimate/AEM
Stand alone

The more you pay the more you get to play with. The more you get to play with the more you need other tuning tools: wideband, pyrometer, dyno, etc.

Given your level of experience, I would suggest a chipped ECU so you don't fuck around and accidentally pop your motor, piston rings, etc.

E-Manage is garbage, retune is better but not by much unless the tuner is on the dyno with you. the rest is gangsta.
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