Drifting didnt just break my car....


Moving up in life
It broke my X-Box too.....well....since my car **** on me while I was out drifitng ive just been sitting at home drifting on Forza to pass the time until the end of the summer after vacation when I get my next S13.....and well last night while drifting my super JDM tight FF3 S15.....my xbox hard drive died....stupid drifting :rolleyes:
hahaha thats funny... actually thats really not that funny come to think of it...sorry

ps thats why P.S2 rules hahaha
^^^+111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I've had my PS2 since 2000 and that b!tch still plays strong DVD and Games ;) cant wait until PS3 comes out so the champ can continue being #1 :D

P.S XBOX is gay :ghey: ..... but if you want one EB games sells them for like $100 brand new and $50 used.
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Yeah I want the pS3 but that **** is supposedly going to be really damn expensive. And there using some new type of disk that is supposed to make the games really damn expensive too :(
Whorex said:
i'll buy your busted xbox for $25

Eh, Its just the hard drive. i think Ill fix it. Oh yeah....drifting broke my PS2 some time ago but I bought one of the new slim ones. GT3 with the GT4 steering wheel pwns all!
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