Do you guys always shoot in manual mode?

i shot this in auto with minor editing afterwards
no you will get WAY better pics if you know how to use manuel. You can focus on whatever you want and you can choose the shutter speed to fit the lighting. Google it and play with it, and take some pics. Any question just ask. My gf is all into photography
Depends. I take a shot in program mode and if I'm satisfied then that's it. If I'm not satisfied, then I switch to manual mode and adjust as needed.
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Manual > * i ALWAYS shoot man. some people like to be gay and shoot on a.v with $2500 slr's cough guy cough
I always shoot in manual but i was just wondering if I was going through all the trouble when I could just use another mode. Thanks!
what roly said

these are manual slr from back in the day when pbir was morrosso. no edit


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For actually shooting manual mode I only do that when I'm using strobes. Other than that its in p mode for when I'm taking pictures of something I need a quick snap of, Av when I know what I want my shutter speed to be like drift events, panning, rolling shots or anything like that, or Tv when I always want my camera shooting at f2.8 or lower.

Every setting has its uses and one isn't going to make you a better photographer for using it more than the other.

These are shot in M but could've been shot at Av because I knew I wanted to shoot at f2.8

Shot in Tv because I wanted to adjust only my shutter speed and let the camera pick the aperture.

Just keep shooting and get good glass the first time. That's the best advice in this thread.
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Manual > * i ALWAYS shoot man. some people like to be gay and shoot on a.v with $2500 slr's cough guy cough

wow low blow dude and i usually have it on one of the three presets i have on my came ut anyways manual is the way to go!
^^ basically. Its so much faster for you to choose either your shutter speed or aperture and let the camera do the other. Its basically the same thing as you doing it manually its just that if you want the picture to be over/under exposed its quicker to do it in manual.
yea bro thats way to dark...the composition is not right. car is the main focus should not be half off the page and half in the dark.

its not his fault.
his camera saw the lights from the car, and exposed it thinking the surrounding area would be similar.
if the lights where off, i feel it could have worked out better.

i have also discussed the reason for why i shoot shutter priority during events.
its a lot easier and i get the same results.
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if you are not comfortable with manual use priority modes its simpler yet its not automatic cause u r changing certain things and the camera will controll everything else also youtube can actually teach alot check it out
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