Damn Puerto Ricans!

Puerto Ricans are an Ethnic group not a race... so you're not really being raceist, just being an asshole if you were meaning it in a nagative way ;)
Kenrik said:
Puerto Ricans are an Ethnic group not a race... so you're not really being raceist, just being an asshole if you were meaning it in a nagative way ;)

You know what I mean. It wasn't negative at all anyway. lol. :D
Kenrik said:
Puerto Ricans are an Ethnic group not a race... so you're not really being raceist, just being an asshole if you were meaning it in a nagative way ;)

How are they not a race?

1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
3. A genealogical line; a lineage.
Puerto Ricans is a race buddy i should know because i am puerto rican.........and if ur not puerto rican than yeah it is racist comment ya might say ur not racist but it is a racist comment
Nismo_Bori_787 said:
Puerto Ricans is a race buddy i should know because i am puerto rican.........and if ur not puerto rican than yeah it is racist comment ya might say ur not racist but it is a racist comment

No it's not. I meant it in a way where Boricuas are badasses. I'm Cuban, and I have a cousin who is half Puerto Rican (he doesn't know **** about a car though). If I can change the title I would, but I can't. I wish I were Puerto Rican, so I can fall right in with th crowd. They love all the car I love (Corollas, Starlets, RX-2/3s, 1200s, 510s....The list goes forever). Trust me, if it has offended you, I am trully sorry. I mean that Puerto Ricans are bad *** when it comes to cars (especially rotaries).
WTF!!!!!!!!!!! whose talking smack about Ricans!!!! I got the coqui guns to shut anyone UP!

lol right dan!!!
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