Covini C6W- First 6 wheel Super Car!!


Fox! Do a barrel roll!
Seen this yet??

It's going into production soon. I remember that they made the F1 car with 4 wheels up front and they banned it because it was too good. I can only imagine this thing..... drifting! Think about it, no understeer EVER and how crazy would it be to see 4 wheels at full lock!?:eek:
lol yeah the f1 one was on speed the other day at one of those memory races or w/e they are i think at laguna
You know some rapper will buy one and put spinners on it, put it in his new video, and have some fire ass chick standing in front of it. Why? Because he can.
thats dumb, and what are the pluses to this?

Much more grip and cornering ability. The Tyrell P34 was banned from Formula 1 because it was nearly unbeatable.

^^^ Exactly. Only thing bad I can think about it is.... what happens when the front alignment is out and one of the wheels turns less than the one in front of it... probably MASSIVE tire wear
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