Confidential D1GP Documents Leaked to Wrecked Magazine

Wrecked Magazine

Well-Known Member

After reading over them over and over I have opted to not post the complete documents due to the nature of some information in them. I thought about blurring out items but it was just going to be too much work and I wanted to protect also the people who provided us with this information. I feel that even without the actual documents you can count on Wrecked Magazine’s accuracy and reporting since we now have two+ years under our belt reporting to you.
New Year’s Address
2010 marks the 10th anniversary since the start of the new D1 Grand Prix Series Entertainment Drift Competition.
Over this decade, D1 has received wide-ranging and invaluable support from its fans, the media, entrants and sponsors. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation.

Thank you all very much.
To commemorate this 10th anniversary, we intend to offer a wide variety of discount benefits in appreciation of this fan support and engage in activities aimed to contribute to society.

In addition, taking into consideration the fact that drift events are now conducted in 30 countries around the world, D1 Corporation plans to formulate a set of uniform international standards, rules and regulations for a global drift competition within the next three years.

As a part of these endeavors, all events in the 2010 D1 Grand Prix Series held in Japan will be brought together to form the International Drift Championship and staged under official international rules.

At the same time, plans are in place to invite leading participants from around the world to a World All-Star Competition.
Further complementing these initiatives, we will call on drift series organizers globally as well as top drivers to attend a D1 Grand Prix World Drift Forum. The purpose of this Forum will be to enhance the understanding of attendees toward the approach, direction, management and screening methods taken with regard to D1 Grand Prix competition and the Japanese competition system, which we hope to position as the de-facto standard.

The milestone inaugural Forum is scheduled over two days on March 27, 2010 and March 28, 2010.
In an effort to expand the driver base, and to promote further discussion in connection with the establishment of a Ladies’ Class women’s only championship, we plan to host a tournament for top women drivers on March 28, 2010 as a part of the All-Star Tokyo Drift Exhibition.

Through these collective means, our goal is to broaden the horizons of the D1 Grand Prix Series as we celebrate our 10th anniversary.

In closing this New Year’s address, I humbly request your continued support and understanding.
Thank you for your kind attention.

Osami Suzuki
President and Representative Director
D1 Corporation
January 15, 2010

This is the first item in the document which is an address from the president of the D1 Corporation. This drops some pretty big bombshells of information that have not been mentioned in the drifting community to date.
A- They are going to formulate uniform international set of standards for drifting within the next three years….. now this is an idea I respect but I think it’s just a little too late for you D1. I have spoken to more than one professional drift organization and the reaction is kind of the same, a blanket of irrelevance. Not even to mention that one series official pointed out the gross negligence for safety at D1GP Japan events which he didn’t think would be embraced by his series or any others. He pointed out series such as Formula Drift and DMCC that have far superior safety regulations for drivers, fans, staff, and personnel. These are interesting points (his words/not mine) but I didn’t feel very unsafe when I attended Fuji Speedway in 2008.
B- World All-Star Competition Invites, what could that be? According to our documents they are trying to hold their own version of the “Redbull World Championship” at Fuji Speedway on October 17th, 2010. This would be the day after the final around of the D1GP Japan series at Fuji Speedway. I guess since they banned their own drivers from coming here they mine as well try to do one now to show they have the goods. I guess we can cancel hope on another Irwindale Speedway promise for a world championship again as well.
C- D1GP is going to have a ladies only tournament at the March 28th All-Star Tokyo Drift Exhibition. This is interesting and I really hope Hiromi Kajikuma makes it out!
D- A D1GP World Drift Forum was mentioned in the post above…. well one of the other documents I have in my hands is an application to this secret drifting club/meeting in Japan. Not really sure the whole purpose of this meeting or who will be attending it. Seems like an interesting reach with a time stamp coming up in two weeks. I have no word on any series actually going to Japan for the meet. Curious to see how soon they will confirm drivers for their World All-Star Competition. I might of dropped out of law school before I got there but in America they normally call secret meetings among industry competitors a special word, collusion. Just thought I would throw that one in there. Good luck to everyone trekking it to Japan and drop us some anonymous phone calls/contact form e-mails about what goes on in the meeting. Thanks!
Sorry that was a handful of information to swallow and if you want to see the D1GP antics and drama that took place when the series was in the United States you can head over and read Isssue 11 of Wrecked Magazine before the series crumbled.


could really care less to read all of that.

Is D1 usa coming back and coming to Miami again?



They couldent get there act together and make it work in the US how the crap are they gonna make it work world wide? Don't get me wrong D1 started it all and they have the best drivers in the world but I think they are above there pay rate.
They couldent get there act together and make it work in the US how the crap are they gonna make it work world wide? Don't get me wrong D1 started it all and they have the best drivers in the world but I think they are above there pay rate.

yeah, kinda false.

It wasnt so much them, as other variables.

Formula D pretty much laid it out that they were gonna be pretty fucking bummed if any FD doods drove D1.
People werent showing up to drive. ANYONE could have showed up to drive, but noone realy did. People were too scared to come out and drive.
The one on them though, was paying ALLLLL that money to bring the J doods and cars to every event.
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