

first of all i have 300zx 4piston calipers on my car.
now everytime i tap the breaks like quick or hard the right front side of my car does a wierd shake bump kind of thing., its wierd and its scary. i took off the rim caliper and rotor. checked all bolts on everything (tension rods, shocks...ect.) and everythings fine. i even took out my pads and sanded them down cause i figured maybe one wasnt gripping. I HAVE NO IDEA what it is! it hasnt stopped and gets worse over the days. its my DD so i kinda want to figure out what it is. any help is greatly appreciatd. thanks guys!
if you are having those kinds of issues.. it can be a bad caliper on the side that isnt working, or brake lines too.
-Ball joints
-Wheel bearings
-Tie rods
-sway bar bushings
-control arm bushings

Does it do this ONLY when braking? Or does it do it while cornering or taking a bump as well? I had a bad noise come from my front end until i realized that my sway bar bushing was about the size of a rubber band...
check check check check check!!!! lol i checked all of them twice over! yes brakes have been bled many times since ive had the setup on 4 a couple months already thats why it doesnt make any sense. the only thing i can think of is maybe my rotor warped like u said i might ust have them cut see if it helps... i took it all apart again and just put it back im going to let her sit over night and see how she does in the morning. oh and no it does it when i go over speed bumps now that you mention it. but its not just a noise its like it shakes my front end idk how 2 explaibn it.
rotor is not warped if that was the case you would feel pulsing through the pedal and it wouldnt hinder the car from really stoping that much...
I have a 300z and the same thing was going on from what your describing. I took the rotor off get them cut. If you have already try everything else, it won't hurt to do this. Good luck
FIXED!! it was stupid cheapo ebay adjustable tension rods!!! lol it was loose!! tightened it up and now its all better!!:bigthumbu
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