2011.05.15 - XDC Rnd 3 Pics

For someone that didnt go to the event, these pictures let me see some of the course layout and the track itself. :bigthumbu Also the matchups (Pat vs Nate that must of been good who came out on top? im guessing Pat?).

Events like this your gonna need to get a lens with more range to get better shots i believe. Also watch out for your exposure and focus. You dont have no programs to edit your pictures?

On a side note: has anyone seen the build thread on that green NST corolla. Its one of those threads that makes you want to just get in your car and start hitting up events and skidpads lol.
I agree with the more range on the shots. I am still learning the camera as you can tell and probably could've got some better shots on Auto at times lol... Ya, I have lightroom but just flipped thru those pics real quick and posted them... Still playing around with lightroom as well. Will tweak the few shots that caught my eye tho.
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