1 member of Aero K is being Deported to Canada


Thats right friends, after being here for 21 yrs in south florida....the court system ruled a removal proceedings on me and they want me out of the country by August 15th.

Its sad news to all friends and family as it is sad for me to leave everyone behind but it can also be a beginning of a new life. I will be organizing a going away party which i will post here and on facebook. I want EVERYONE that has come in contact with me or been friends with me, knows me through the drift scene to make this event because i will be gone for 5 yrs until i get the okay to come back. A new chapter of Aero K will begin in Canada since im taking my race car with......

Guys and Gals.....time to party with me and say your goodbyes before i leave in August

Raffi K.
Aero-K Garage/Team Aero-K
I wish I was going to canada. Don't sound so depressed florida sucks. Canada has a way better economy than america too right now. The dmcc drift scene looks dope. I don't feel sory for you my friend I envy you. It dose suck to leave your friends and family but I've heared awsome things about canada I thingk your gona be in the groove up there in notime.:bigthumbu
I love you Timbo!!! you better make this party!! or else i will send down some rotten canadian bacon to poison you! =)

---------- Post added at 12:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 PM ----------

I never left bro....ive been getting monitered by the govt with an ankle bracelet. Im leaving for real this time
Damn, just let me know when and where and Ill be there. Seems like this year has been shitty for alot of people...
Damn yo for real shit sucks. Fck it make a copy of shants paper work and come back lol. But def will be there for the party.
thanks guys!! im some what sad and excited! can't wait to party with you guys! and J Lowe....you guys better show up to this party!
I wish I was going to canada. Don't sound so depressed florida sucks. Canada has a way better economy than america too right now. The dmcc drift scene looks dope. I don't feel sory for you my friend I envy you. It dose suck to leave your friends and family but I've heared awsome things about canada I thingk your gona be in the groove up there in notime.:bigthumbu

So......if you don't like this county why live here? What's stopping you from packing your bags too? This thread is about a going away party for a fellow drifter, not a political discussion!

Raffi you set the time and place dude and I'll be there! Count on it bro!
So......if you don't like this county why live here? What's stopping you from packing your bags too? This thread is about a going away party for a fellow drifter, not a political discussion!

Raffi you set the time and place dude and I'll be there! Count on it bro!

lol you crack me up Rodd...i will definitely let everyone know the deal for the party!
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