travieso8190, seller beware


just some feedback for you guys here on Sfl, I mostly just read and not post but Im just giving any would be sellers out there a heads up.

Sellers beware of this guy. He swore up and down that he wanted my motor and was interested. I sent him videos and everything, verifying the motor was in good shape and running before it was pulled from the car. I explained to this guy that my car was getting work done on it at a shop (RHD conversion + SR swap) so the motor had to be out by a certain day due to the shop needing their space and other time constraints. I had other offers, some wanting to buy it immediately, but he swore up and down that he needed it and pleaded with me to hold it for him, swearing he would come get it at the date and time we both mutually agreed upon. So in good faith gesture to help another forum member out I held it for him, only to get a text message saying he bailed because he found another motor. And when I mentioned what happened to our agreement he wasn't to kind in letting me know either. Just overall bad ethics with this guy, a nice heads up that he was looking for other motors or had found one he was going to look at wouldive allowed me to plan my schedule easier.

Just a fair warning to everyone out there, this guys a flake, I gave him a genuine chance by holding the motor for him when i had other offers because he claimed he needed it so bad, only to get screwed. Prolly my fault for being so trusting, but just keep this in mind when dealing with this guy.
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Oh like I said its my own fault, I was trying to help someone out and got screwed. I'm moreso posting this for any would be forum members that will possibly do business with this guy as a heads up.
Lol wow this guy needs a life.. Yo yuck fou I was the one that bought that scooter from you.. Listen fuck boy I all ready told u the deal, I found a motor closer to home, for less an with more shit. Business is business ***** you really aint draggin my name thru the mud. An if u still gotta problem we can meet face 2 face pussy
Im not tryna cause beef lmao but this guy is gettin really annoyin.. He's makin seem like I was suckin his dick 2 hold the motor, its a KA not a ferrari it will sell quick stop trippin man

An I bought a motor frm the site so its not like I didn't have the money an was just blowin smoke up any1s ass
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Lol wow this guy needs a life.. Yo yuck fou I was the one that bought that scooter from you.. Listen fuck boy I all ready told u the deal, I found a motor closer to home, for less an with more shit. Business is business ***** you really aint draggin my name thru the mud. An if u still gotta problem we can meet face 2 face pussy

, whats up dude yeh i remember you. Guys this dude is a great buyer , he bought my scooter the same day that i posted it. got a ride and came thru my house to pick up... he even went thru the mission to pick it up late night. lets not make someone else s mistake his problem.

Lock This Thread Please!
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Lol ben im calm but this is the 2nd site that's he's made a post.. As u guys can see I buy stuff but I made a move a that benifited my end, I even let him kno I wasn't gonna make it instead of just duckin him, an i apologized to him
Lol ben im calm but this is the 2nd site that's he's made a post.. As u guys can see I buy stuff but I made a move a that benifited my end, I even let him kno I wasn't gonna make it instead of just duckin him, an i apologized to him

Man you are handling this situation like a complete child. You made an agreement with me that you would come get it and asked me countless times not to sell it to anyone else. so you proved yourself to be a un reliable by doing what you did. And yes, you did let me know, after you had already gotten a motor as well as the day before you were supposed to pick mine up. Which, you were well aware of my situation I explained it to you thoroughly. My situation being that I had made arrangements with the shop my motor was pulled at to be ready for you at the agreed time so that you could come and get it. You were fully aware that the shop needed to have my motor gone as soon as possible.

You expected me to give you the courtesy of holding my motor when I had other offers, so you in turn, should have given me the courtesy of advance notice that you were looking at another motor or going to look at another one. I mean, its my fault for trusting someone on that basis anyways, but I did it to help someone out.

This thread was created to reflect on my particular experience in dealing with this guy, other people can make judgments accordingly.

I'm pretty sure anyone reading this thread can see this guy is acting like a child, And also, I don't take very kindly to someone text messaging me and threatening me saying he will come beat my ass. I don't play around with that.

It's the kind of immaturity like that I try to avoid. Just stop texting me and harassing me dude. you flaked out, I posted on the forums so other people could make judgement accordingly should they choose to do business with you. That is why this section exists. The way you are acting isn't helping your cause any.

Final warning man, stop harassing me. period.

Mods, please lock/close this thread.
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Lol I let u kno sunday I was supposed 2 pick up on wednesday, an I let u kno sunday night 4days in advance. I wasn't threatin u lol but u are slanderin my name as much as im slanderin urs.. You already embarassed ur self by makin this thread. Yes mods please lock.
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