Starter burned up in flames!?!

92 nissan 240sx fast back - drove the car Home, parked it, went to check the mail to see a glowing yellow light under my hood. Ran to pop the hood open to see the lines on my starter on fire wtffff?!? the cat won't start..... What can I do to fix this? Looks like it basically burned the cables off it.. What started this fire?? How can I prevent this deon happening again thanks
Probably an oil leak that leaked on an exposed wire, best way to prevent it is to not have oil leaks or any exposed wiring, not sure if that's completely the correct answer, but that would be my best guess.
Check for leaks in your fuel lines. If that's all good then you probably had a short from hell. Would need a new starter and repair or replace your harness.
if the starter was still spinning that means yur starter solenoid was melted together, if not sounds like yur starter was loose, got miss aligned and some how made contact with the flywheel and yu didnt hear it and spin so much it burned up, some kind of freak accident idk
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