Power to manual window conversion


** カラスVISION **
i have been reading around the interwebz and found a bunch of mambo jumbo jive, Has any one here had any experience on swapping power to manual windows in a s13. Any tips i should know before embarking on that voyage? i dont need opinions all i need are facts. thanks :bigthumbu
shits super easy it took like 15 mins a door unbolt the whole shit removed it but unbolt the glass from it and remove it seperate then put the manual shit in then attach the glass.
shits super easy it took like 15 mins a door unbolt the whole shit removed it but unbolt the glass from it and remove it seperate then put the manual shit in then attach the glass.
thats it
Im trying to avoid swapping door, just internals.
shits super easy it took like 15 mins a door unbolt the whole shit removed it but unbolt the glass from it and remove it seperate then put the manual shit in then attach the glass.

you talking about the 4 bolts that fold the frame?
dam u man! why would u wanna switch to manuals? I wanna switch to power windows but I can never find a 240 at the junk yard wit em on...
for one reason i am getting money on top for mine powers, and second i had be experience with powers jumping tracking and getting stuck with my old 240, so manuals are better for ( money on top, no hassle, and less weight :D)
Im trying to avoid swapping door, just internals.

you talking about the 4 bolts that fold the frame?

i think its six bolts the hold the regulator into the door 12mm remove those unbolt bolt glass from it then remove. its easy as fuck bro come on
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