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Fox! Do a barrel roll!
Sold him a Sega Genesis with controllers, games, etc. For $15 AND I delivered. Once I was on my way down (it's a 2 hour drive to miami from West Palm) he says he can't meet up with me and that I should meet up with this other person and they'll give me the cash. So I drove another 40min WEST and delivered it and guess what, they don't have the full $15, just $10, and says that Genestar will paypal me the $5. Ok, fine w/e I trust that he'd send it. Well, it's been a month, and I've kept asking for my money every few days and all I get is excuses and "oh bro I'll let you know".

Took $5 to test your character, and you failed. Keep it.

Your the retard for driving down there for 15 bucks? Really? For 5 more just ship it to him.
You still drove down. You must be the late model terminator. The new 800 models wont do such things.
since when is a "late model" "new model" is new guy! :bigthumbu:

Your joking right?

Late/Latest Definition:
# up-to-the-minute: up to the immediate present; most recent or most up-to-date; "the news is up-to-the-minute"; "the very latest scientific ...
# the most recent news or development; "have you heard the latest?"
# in the current fashion, model, or style

Guys need to learn the English.
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Your joking right?

Late/Latest Definition:
# up-to-the-minute: up to the immediate present; most recent or most up-to-date; "the news is up-to-the-minute"; "the very latest scientific ...
# the most recent news or development; "have you heard the latest?"
# in the current fashion, model, or style

Guys need to learn the English.

Brian was referring to something, a "noun" as of it being an Older model, hence the word "late model" was used. So if i was to say i would like a "late model" japanese sports car, I want a brand new 2009 model?..Check yourself son!

I am talking US American English, what is spoken in this country. We are no longer under British rule last time i checked, so we have our way of speaking English
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No one refers to things in the past as "late model". I took AP English and scored top of my class, I know what I'm talking about.
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