dont by rbpowereds14's shit


( title changed) USE CAUTION

edit* i think i was a little harsh in the original message below, i think i was just pissed off cause i had to deal with that shit.. it was on both of us. so that is the reason for the title change......

This weekend i went to by power steering lines from this guy, he was selling both for 40 bucks which is way to much but it was on the way and junk yards were closed soooo..... figured ide grab them up and put them in today.

ok now its grind time, put the high presure hard line in first fits great :bigthumbu went to put in the cooling line and..... naa i couldnt be stripped.... so half our later of trying to put this thing on i had to face the music i bought a f*** striped cooling line.

its not the steering wrack cause there was a cut cooling line already in there which i pulled and put back in at least twice, so i had to hack his line up and use it with some hose.

so unless you wana go through all this then dont buy from him.

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this is one of those things that works both ways its his fault and yours

he sold it knowing its fucked up and im guessing you didnt look when you bought them from him because im sure you woulda noticed if you looked over the part
are you sure you didnt strip it installing it?
because if it looked fine before and now it doesnt then that is a possibility
If one line was good and the other was bad it doesn't sound like he's a bad seller. Did u call him and see if he even knew. What if he woulda gave u your money back but know since u bashed him he's not gonna help.
cause im not driving 45 miles for 20 bucks, im not trying to get anything back and the line was stripped trust that. either way i ended up rigging somthing so im using the part.

im just saying if you buy his stuff dont make my mistake and thouroghly inspect it.
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